Considering WoodsGramado's commitment to raising awareness among its customers regarding the storage and processing of data and information collected from browsing its website, we present our Privacy Policy, the purpose of which is to clarify the use of this information.




To use this Privacy Policy, aiming for better understanding on the part of the User, the terms below will be applied, with the following definitions:


1. Name of the website, legal entity, registered with the CNPJ under no. , with headquarters at Rua João Petry, 198, Bairro Centro, Gramado – RS;


2. Cookies: are files sent by the website server to the User's computer, aiming to identify the computer and obtain access data, such as pages browsed or links clicked, thus allowing personalization of the use of the website, according to each profile;


3. IP: abbreviation for Internet Protocol - consists of a set of numbers that identifies the User's computer on the Internet;


4. Logs: records of User activities carried out on the website;


5. Session ID: identification of the User's session during the registration process or when using the website in any way.


6. User: anyone who accesses or uses the website.




To participate and use the website, in addition to being at least 18 (eighteen) years old, the Customer must provide, at the time of registration, the following information: full name, CPF, full address, landline telephone number, date of birth, and -mail, in addition to choosing a password for personal use.




Data and information will be obtained when the User uses the website, interacts with the tools on it, providing information voluntarily, or when the User makes contact through the communication channels available on the website.


When interacting with WoodsGramado websites and advertisements, some customer information is automatically received and then stored in the website's database, such as IP, browser type and pages viewed on the website, which is collected through of cookies, such data being the responsibility and property of WoodsGramado.


In addition, the dates and times of each action and access to each functionality of the website may also be collected, as well as the User's identification (ID), when applicable. The aforementioned records may be used by WoodsGramado in cases of fraud investigation or improper changes to its systems and records.


It should be noted that the data and information collected will be stored in a secure environment, observing the state of the art available and can only be accessed by qualified people authorized by WoodsGramado. The collected User data will not be shared, sold or even presented to third parties outside this privacy policy, however, considering that no security system is absolutely safe, WoodsGramado is exempt from any liability for possible damages and/or losses arising from failures, viruses or invasions of the website's database, except in cases of intent or fault for the same.


Furthermore, the User is the owner of the information and may add, delete or modify any data linked to their user profile on the WoodsGramado website.




The data and information collected from Users may be used for the following purposes:


1. Make any communication resulting from the activity of the website itself or the identification of the respective recipient;


2. Respond to any queries and requests from the User;


3. Provide access to the restricted area of the website or its exclusive features;


4. Comply with legal or court orders;


5. Establish, defend or regularly exercise rights in a judicial or administrative context;


6. Prepare general statistics to identify User profiles and develop WoodsGramado campaigns;


7. Ensure the safety of Users;


8. Keep Users' registration data up to date for the purposes of authorized contact to be made by telephone, email, SMS, direct mail or other means of communication;


9. Provide information about news, promotions and events from WoodsGramado and its commercial partners.


Sending emails: aiming to improve communication between the company and its customers, the company may send emails with offers to registered customers, which will not contain attachments to be downloaded and will not require the provision of user data. If the customer no longer wishes to receive emails, they must click on the unsubscribe link present in all emails sent.




The main internet browsers allow the customer to configure the use of cookies on their machine, and it is recommended to enable and authorize the use of cookies, in order to allow full access to all website features. If the customer wishes to block the use of cookies, it is possible to disable this function, however, in this case, navigation on the website may be impaired and restricted.




Using a cookie that identifies the User's navigation, the website makes product recommendations, which may vary depending on the User and their behavior within the website, being evaluated, for example, whether there was only browsing or also a purchase, which items were viewed, searched for or purchased by him and other Users in similar browsing situations.


Considering that this recommendation is generated from algorithms, its precision may not be exact, but it aims to suggest products that are of interest to the User, without the User having any obligation to purchase them.




All personal data provided by customers when carrying out transactions through the website, such as addresses, credit card details and order history, in the case of transactions carried out, will not be unduly disclosed, and a system will be used next to the website that prevents transmission or access of such information by third parties.


Furthermore, it is also very important that the User protects their information against unauthorized access to their computer, account or password, and must always make sure to close their session/login on the website accessed, especially when access is on a computer. shared.


It is the customer's responsibility to use only original and updated programs and systems, mainly security patches for the operating system of their devices, as well as antivirus and anti-malware programs, essential for digital security.


Electronic messages: with regard to electronic messages (e-mails), it is important that the customer checks the entire content of the e-mail before activating any web address, and it is their responsibility to observe the veracity of the recipient and the reliability of the information.




The provisions contained in this Privacy Policy may be updated or modified at any time, and the User is responsible for checking them whenever they access the website. The User must contact us if they have any questions regarding the provisions contained in this Privacy Policy, choosing one of these contact methods: WhatsApp 54 99677-9174, email [email protected] or contact form available on home page of the website.




This Privacy Policy will be interpreted in accordance with Brazilian legislation, in the Portuguese language, with the Gramado/RS District Court being elected to resolve any dispute, question or doubt arising, with the express waiver of any other, however privileged it may be.


Update: July 30, 2020.



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